Fertility and IVF Support

Our Fertility and IVF Support service at Restore Wellness uses acupuncture to enhance natural and IVF fertility cycles, addressing issues like irregular ovulation, hormonal imbalances, and stress.

Boost Your Fertility Journey

At Restore we often employ acupuncture to support natural and IVF fertility cycles and to maximise maternal health during pregnancy.  Chinese medicine has a long and established history of improving fertility. Whether you are preparing to conceive, actively trying to conceive or embarking on IVF, acupuncture has a lot to offer.  At Restore, the acupuncture team follow protocols supported by research to assist their patients to improve their fertility with acupuncture. 

What Issues Can Our Treatment Help With?

  • Irregular ovulation
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Stress and anxiety
  • PCOS and endometriosis
  • Common Benefits of Our Treatments

    • Optimises chances of natural conception
    • Enhances success rates of IVF
    • Regulates menstrual cycle
    • Reduces stress and anxiety
    • Supports hormonal balance
  • Optimising Natural Fertility with Acupuncture

    Acupuncture can assist good healthy bodily function, and therefore is a wonderful way to help to optimise your chances of falling pregnancy naturally.  

    Acupuncture is often used to help regulate your menstrual cycle back on track, improve overall circulation and blood flow to your uterus and ovaries.  Importantly acupuncture can assist your ability to manage the stress and anxiety that often accompanies infertility.   The amount of treatment needed really depends on your individual situation, however, treatment is most successful when started earlier and timed around important events such as ovulation.

    During the first trimester, acupuncture is used  to help prevent miscarriage and provide a stabilising effect on the pregnancy, and regulate hormones.  Acupuncture helps to minimise nausea, morning sickness, fatigue, migraines, bleeding, and spotting.

    Our approach starts with a careful evaluation to uncover any underlying factors that may be preventing you from conceiving or maintaining a pregnancy.  We will also help you navigate your fertility journey and support you in choosing your best treatment options.  For optimal results, start treatments 3 months before you are trying to conceive or as soon as you find out you are pregnant. We especially recommend this for women having IUI/IVF procedures, especially if there are hormone, autoimmune, advance maternal age or implantation factors. Getting acupuncture on a regular basis during pregnancy can help you to relax and enjoy this incredible time in your life more fully.

    Women undergoing fertility treatment are far more likely to successfully give birth if they also have acupuncture, a major scientific study has concluded.  The research found that women suffering with fertility problems who underwent the ancient Chinese treatment increased their chance of having a baby from one in five to one in three.  Researchers led by Ying Cheong, from the reproductive medicine unit at the University of Southampton and the city’s Princess Anne hospital, concluded that ‘acupuncture around the time of embryo transfer achieves a higher live birth rate of 35 per cent compared with 22 per cent without active acupuncture’. Embryo transfer is when an embryo that has been fertilised in the laboratory is implanted into a woman’s womb. 

  • The IVF Process

    Research shows acupuncture can be an effective, low intensity procedure that may increase a woman’s resilience during assisted conception. Women who have acupuncture often report improvements in physical and mental health, including better sleep and improvements in mood and self-confidence.  Some IVF clinics, such as Genea (formerly Sydney IVF) offer acupuncture clinics in-house as they have seen the wonderful effects of this safe and gentle form of complementary therapy.  

    Studies show that acupuncture can increase the chances that assisted reproductive technologies will result in a live birth by 60% or more.  Our acupuncturists are qualified, registered and experienced in helping to support your fertility treatment, improve your health and wellbeing, and maximise your chance of taking home a healthy baby.

    1. Before & during the medication phase of IVF
      Setting the internal environment for the body to make a baby is very important. Clinical trials show that acupuncture increases blood supply to uterus and ovaries and regulate fertility hormones which may contribute to follicle development and increased implantation.
      Acupuncture can be used to help any side effects you might experience and reduce anxiety. Reduced fatigue, moodiness, abdomen swelling and discomfort and other side effects are reported by many women using acupuncture during their IVF cycle. In addition women report greater relaxation and control of anxiety. 
    1. Before & after egg collection
      Acupuncture is performed in the days after egg collection, to reduce any local tissue trauma or bleeding.  It also helps to prepare a calm environment for the arrival of an embryo in 3 or 5 days time. 
    1. Before & after embryo transfer
      According to research, acupuncture performed at the right stage, can have significant benefit. The research found that the chance of the embryo implanting successfully, resulting in pregnancy, increased significantly if a woman underwent acupuncture around the same time as the transfer. Most clinical trials demonstrated a significantly increased chance of pregnancy (30%) after the administration of 2 acupuncture treatments, one before and one after the embryo transfer.
      Acupuncture treatment in this stage helps increase blood supply to uterus and ovaries and regulate fertility hormones which may contribute to follicle development and increased implantation.  Clinical trials were based on patients where the treatment was conducted within a few hours before and after transfer.  This is why Restore is open 6 days per week, and takes Sunday appointments by prior arrangement for our patients having out of hours transfers.
  • PCOS and Endometriosis

    Acupuncture has been shown to be an effective treatment for reducing the pain and inflammation of PCOS and endometriosis. If you have PCOS or Endometriosis and are trying to conceive naturally or planning to do IVF, you can benefit from doing a course of acupuncture over 3 to 4 months to improve ovary function and egg quality. If you have PCOS and are trying to conceive naturally or planning to do IVF, you can benefit from doing a course of acupuncture over 3 to 4 months to improve ovary function and egg quality. For those PCOS patients who do IVF, certain acupuncture protocols during the stimulation phase and after embryo transfer will reduce the risk of hyper-stimulation.

  • Managing Stress and Anxiety

    Improvements in physical and mental health including better sleep and improvements in mood and self-confidence are all very important when trying to conceive. -While stress has no impact on the actual meeting of the sperm and egg, it can impact on the individual and also relationships. Acupuncture is an excellent modality to assist in reducing stress – a key issue for many couples struggling with infertility.

Treatment For Fertility and IVF Support

  • Acupuncture
  • IVF

Have Questions?

Talk to our therapists for personalised advice and support. We’re here to help you achieve optimal health & wellness.

Treatment Process

Our streamlined treatment process ensures you receive the best care at every step. From initial consultation to aftercare, we tailor our approach to your unique needs.

Initial Consultation

Begin with a free 15-minute consultation to understand your condition, symptoms, and lifestyle.

Comprehensive Diagnosis

Our practitioners conduct thorough assessments to identify the underlying cause of your issues.

Personalised Treatment Plan

Receive a customised treatment plan integrating Western and Chinese medicine to address your specific needs.

Ongoing Support and Follow-Up

Attend regular follow-up sessions to monitor progress and adjust your treatment as needed.

Modern Therapy & Ancient TCM for Holistic Wellness

Modern Holistic Wellness

At Restore Wellness, we are your one-stop wellness solution for the whole family. We integrate cutting-edge Modern medicine with traditional Chinese therapies to provide comprehensive care.

Traditional Chinese Holistic Wellness

Our time-tested traditional Chinese medicine offers gentle and effective treatments. These therapies promote long-term health benefits, restoring balance and supporting overall wellbeing for every family member.

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