Do I need a referral from my GP?

No.  You can make an appointment with any of our practitioners directly without a referral.  If you are already under the care of a specialist or another health practitioner, please inform us on the day and we can liase with your care team.

Can I claim for your services on my private health fund?

Yes. For most of our services you can claim on your health fund if your policy covers you for the modality.  For example all of our osteopaths and acupuncturists are claimable on the majority of health funds, and some of our massage therapists as well.  We have HICAPS in-house so that claims can be processed on the spot.  Please contact your health fund to make sure you are covered for extras that include osteopathy, acupuncture and massage.  If you would like to see one of our massage therapists who are covered by private health insurance, please just ask at the time of making a booking.

What do I need to bring?

Bring along any X-rays, scans or test results that you may have related to your condition.  The more information we have about you the better!  If you have been sent by your GP, personal trainer or physiotherapist, for example, they may provide you with a referral letter for us to get us up to speed on what is going on with your body.  We will discuss this with you when you make an appointment with us.

Am I required to arrive early for my first appointment?

Yes we do appreciate you arriving about 10 minutes early for your first appointment as you will need to fill out initial paperwork and consent forms.  For any further appointments we just request that you arrive on time to make the most of the time allocated for you with your health practitioner.

What should I wear to see an osteopath?

It’s important that you feel comfortable, so wear a comfortable t- shirt and loose pants or for men please bring a pair of shorts to change into. If it is necessary for your treatment, and to allow us to diagnose you correctly, the osteopaths may ask you to change down to your underwear and put on a hospital gown.  This is optional and we will work within your comfort zone at all times.

What should I wear to see an acupuncturist?

As with our osteopathy patients, dress for comfort when you see our acupuncturists.

How long will my appointment take?

Your initial consultation may last up to one hour for both osteopathy and acupuncture.  This will enable your health practitioner to take a thorough history, examination and depending upon your condition, treat you.  Follow-up treatments are usually shorter – between thirty minutes and an hour.   Please check appointment length when booking, and remember when booking online to still call us if you have any questions.  We are here to help.

How many appointments will I need?

This greatly depends on your condition, and what form of treatment you are having.  Long term or chronic conditions are likely to require more treatment, as symptoms may have taken many years to manifest.  We will discuss this with you on your first visit when we have an idea of your diagnosis.  If you are seeing us for fertility or pregnancy support your practitioner will discuss with you how often you will need to see them throughout the treatment process.

What if I do not want a particular kind of treatment (e.g. spinal manipulation)?

Every patient is different, and come to see us with different problems to address.  However one thing that is always the case is that YOU are the one in control of your own care.  If you do not like “cracking” type techniques, just tell the osteopath you are seeing and they will not use them.  There are many ways to help you become more mobile, and these “thrust” techniques are just one option.  If you are nervous about acupuncture needles, just tell your acupuncturist, and you can decide together what is inside your comfort zone.

Most importantly, if you have been recommended to come and see an osteopath or an acupuncturist and you have been putting it off as the idea makes you nervous, please give us a call for a chat.  Nothing is more scary than the unknown, so let us help you understand it all a little better.

Are you work cover approved?

Some of our osteopaths are registered with Workcover.  For your first consultation please bring along your claim number, claim officers details, your GP’s contact details and the paperwork showing that your claim has been approved. We will then charge the insurance company directly for our services.

Do you accept EPC plans from my GP?

Yes all of our practitioners can care for you under an EPC plan.

Still have questions?

Please call the clinic anytime.  We are used to all kinds of questions and we are always here to help.

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