Pregnancy and Labour Support

Our Pregnancy and Labour Support service combines acupuncture, osteopathy, and massage to alleviate common pregnancy complaints, promote relaxation, and prepare the body for labour.

Comprehensive Pregnancy and Labour Support

At Restore we have garnered an excellent reputation for acupuncture treatment as pregnancy support.  Acupuncture draws from a history of treating women in pregnancy for thousands of years.  However acupuncture has also been adapted to our modern knowledge of safely and evidence based medicine. Studies have shown it to have wonderful benefits for overall wellness, and to counter specific complaints during this time.  Some of these complaints include nausea, fatigue, and headaches.  Acupuncture is safe and can be effective during pregnancy.  Acupuncture is not a substitute for Western prenatal medical care, however it offers complementary care that has many benefits.

What Issues Can Our Treatment Help With?

  • Nausea
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Stress
  • Morning sickness
  • Hip and low back pain
  • Mild to moderate depression
  • Labour induction
  • Common Benefits of Our Treatments

    • Prevent miscarriage
    • Relief from nausea, fatigue, and headaches
    • Reduction in stress and morning sickness
    • Alleviation of hip and low back pain
    • Support for breech position adjustments
    • Improvement in mild to moderate depression
    • Assistance with labour induction and shortening labour duration
    • Pain relief from sciatica
    • Reduction in swelling and high blood pressure
    • Improved sleep quality
  • Acupuncture in Pregnancy

    Due to the fact that acupuncture has very few side effects, many pregnant women now seek this alternative to drug therapy for a number of common pregnancy complaints. Studies have shown that acupuncture can help with stress, morning sickness, hip and low back pain.  It also helps with breech position, mild to moderate depression, labour induction, and shortening the length of labor. It is becoming increasing common to use acupuncture in pregnancy and labour to enhance your wellness during this time.  

  • Acupuncture in Labour

    Acupuncture can be used as a method of inducing post-term babies, and is increasing in popularity as women with uncomplicated pregnancies seek to avoid conventional medical induction, imposition of medical timeframes, and the cascade of interventions that often follow.  Acupuncture induction is safe and effective and works harmoniously with the delicate hormonal balance of pregnancy to promote labour.

  • Osteopathy in Pregnancy

    During pregnancy, your body undergoes tremendous change to accommodate the growing fetus. Apart from the obvious physical changes like expansion of the abdominal region, hormonal releases can affect the function of your body’s internal systems. As your pregnancy progresses, the extra weight creates a shift in your body’s centre of gravity. Your supporting ligaments also soften. These factors can add stress to your body, causing problems like back pain, sciatica, insomnia, shortness of breath, swelling, high blood pressure and fatigue. Your osteopath can offer advice about managing these symptoms and demonstrate self-help techniques which you and your partner can use during pregnancy and labour. Your osteopath’s aim is to assist the natural process of pregnancy and birth – maximising your body’s ability to change and support you and your baby with a minimum of pain and discomfort.

    In birth, the descent of the baby through the pelvis is influenced by a range of factors. If the mother’s pelvis is twisted or stiff, it can interfere with the baby’s passage through the birth canal. Osteopathic care may restore and maintain normal pelvic alignment and mobility, helping to reduce musculoskeletal stresses during birth. After the birth, your osteopath may advise you to make return visits to help prevent or manage problems like pelvic and low back strain, pelvic floor weakness, mastitis, incontinence, interrupted sleep and fatigue. German researchers found that osteopathic manipulative therapy (OMT) decreased postpartum low back pain by over 70 percent in women who had given birth at least three months before beginning treatment (JAOA July 2015).

  • Massage in Pregnancy

    Pregnancy massage is a gentle way to increase your wellness during your pregnancy.  Research has shown that it lowers anxiety levels, reduces back and leg pain, and improves sleep.  It works to increase levels of the “feel-good” hormones serotonin and dopamine, which are good for you and your baby.  At Restore we have specialty pregnancy tables, which also allow you to lie on your stomach during your massage (a true delight in later months), or we can also treat you on your side if this is your preference.  Our massage therapists are experienced, and aware of accommodations and modifications required during pregnancy.  Restore also offers vouchers for pregnancy massage as gifts for pregnant friends and family.

Treatment For Pregnancy and Labour Support

  • Acupuncture
  • Gua Sha
  • Scalp Massage
  • Prenatal Massage
  • Singing Bowl Therapy

Have Questions?

Talk to our therapists for personalised advice and support. We’re here to help you achieve optimal health & wellness.

Treatment Process

Our streamlined treatment process ensures you receive the best care at every step. From initial consultation to aftercare, we tailor our approach to your unique needs.

Initial Consultation

Begin with a free 15-minute consultation to understand your condition, symptoms, and lifestyle.

Comprehensive Diagnosis

Our practitioners conduct thorough assessments to identify the underlying cause of your issues.

Personalised Treatment Plan

Receive a customised treatment plan integrating Western and Chinese medicine to address your specific needs.

Ongoing Support and Follow-Up

Attend regular follow-up sessions to monitor progress and adjust your treatment as needed.

Modern Therapy & Ancient TCM for Holistic Wellness

Modern Holistic Wellness

At Restore Wellness, we are your one-stop wellness solution for the whole family. We integrate cutting-edge Modern medicine with traditional Chinese therapies to provide comprehensive care.

Traditional Chinese Holistic Wellness

Our time-tested traditional Chinese medicine offers gentle and effective treatments. These therapies promote long-term health benefits, restoring balance and supporting overall wellbeing for every family member.

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